January, 2021

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Effects of COVID19 on the Future Pricing of Weed

Weed drug is a commonly known drug world-wide. It is also one of the commonly abused drugs in most parts of various world continents. The weed drug, commonly known as cannabis, has several consumers who are not only regarding it as a drug but also possessing it as a medicine to avert their health situations Skunks Oasis Vancouver . A huger number of cannabis followers has made the drug popular and making its marketing familiar world-over. However, the pricing of this drug has currently been fluctuating based on economic threats such as the recent world pandemic, the COVID19 disease. 

There have been adverse growth on the weed stocks, following many customers and people trading on this drug in the recent past few years. This has been a trend in sectors related to cannabis trafficking. Recreational reasons in addition to medical purposes and endorsement regarding the weed drug have so far brought about legal embracement of the drug in a large number of government’s offices across the world. This has even resulted in quite a good number of investors and even corporate founding personnel, becoming richer economically. 

However, in recent times, there has been a severe challenge in the thrival of cannabis marketing. This has followed the world health pandemic whose storming intervention has entirely reclaimed the world economy. The COVID 19 pandemic has seriously affected every sector of the economy, including the health sector. This goes without leaving out the economic sector. The economic reclamation by this pandemic is regarding its containment measures. How has this affected the pricing of the weed drug? 

During the storming of this pandemic, there was a total lockdown of the economy in most countries worldwide. This ended up blocking many economic processes like transportation and marketing of products. The weed drug is among such products whose marketing was hindered. This was due to accessibility to market places by the suppliers. There is a huge number of stocks of such products which have even succumbed to expiry date due to the inability to distribute such products to customers. It is important to notice that before the pandemic, traders and drug traffickers were operating 24 hours a day. This however came to an end following the government rules and restrictions in various countries worldwide. There have been limitations regarding the time frame for business operations. Going beyond such limitations could even result in serious offenses and attract penalties. However is there any hope for the future thrival of the weed drug? 

There has been a clear indication that the pricing of the weeds drug will shoot very sharply. This follows the fact that various countries worldwide, have started their resumption in opening their economy. This follows the gradual reduction of cases regarding COVID 19. The pricing of the weed drug, therefore, is expected to increase based on the expected increment of demand from the weed customers and consumers, who have seriously been eager about returning to normalcies. This will lead to a normal resumption of the weed pricing and reopening of people’s huge stocks for trading resumption. 

In conclusion, the pandemic has seriously tamed the economic setup world wide. However, the economy is reverting to normal and this will in turn ensure that the demand and pricing of such products as weed will realize its resumption to normal.