CBD for dogs

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Every dog owner needs to consider feeding their dog and buy Canada CBD oil for Dogs. Research done recently by some pet specialists has shown several benefits that CBD oil offers dogs. Some of these benefits include:

  • It helps reduce anxiety in dogs
  • Curbs certain allergies
  • Reduces pain and increases dog activity, especially for dogs with osteoarthritis
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces chances of getting epilepsy. For dogs that have, it reduces the occurrence of seizures by 33% 

All these have been medically proven. Therefore, there are many ways in which you can feed your dog CBD oil, and these methods won’t even take up a minute of your time!

Using a Dropper, Put the Correct Dosage Inside the Dog’s Mouth

The dosage of CBD usually depends on the vet’s prescription and the dog’s size. It is the easiest way you can feed your dog CBD oil.

Gently open the dog’s mouth and drop the CBD oil. Do not force its mouth open or gag it. You might hurt the dog, or it may retaliate against you.

Ensure the dog has swallowed the medication by giving it a snack afterward.

Add CBD Oil to Your Dog’s Treat or Food

This method will work best for clever dogs who can’t be tricked into opening their mouths for the oil to be dropped inside. 

Be careful with the type of food and treat you choose to use. Always use treats/food that absorbs the oil. Once you drop the oil on the food/treat, let it soak for a few seconds before giving the dog.

It is also a good way of feeding a dog CBD oil because the oil’s taste and smell mix with the food, so your dog won’t even notice that it is being medicated.

Add CBD Oil to Your Dog’s Water

This will depend on the dog’s drinking schedule. It is also one of the best methods because the dog will not know it is being medicated. 

You can also put the right amount of CBD oil in milk for puppies.

Mix the CBD Oil With Your Dog’s Favorite Snack

It can be something tasty or sweet that they enjoy eating or one to keep them busy. For instance, you can use peanut butter, which is great because it easily mixes with CBD oil.

You can apply the mixture to the dog’s treat or combine it with the dog’s food.


The four ways mentioned above are the fastest and easiest ways to feed your dog CBD oil. Always use the proper dosage for different types of dogs: big dogs, small dogs, and medium-sized dogs. If you are unsure of the dosage, you can consult a vet doctor who will advise you accordingly.

Try experimenting with all these methods to see the one that works best for your dog.